Wow, I am so totally proud. With Sophie and her friends we flew over the Equator and now, we even have an official certificate, that shows that I am a “Citizen of Equatorial Districts” from now on. Isn’t that something?
Nous, Protonotaire Général, nous ayant très humblement représentße que les néophytes Willow et pinguin ont dument franchi la limite de nos états à bord du vaisseau aérien battant pavillom du CFA, certifions pas la présente, que les susnommés régénérés en présence de notre cour par notre royal baptême, ont mérité le titre de:
Citoyens des Districts Equatoriaux
qui lui est solennellement conféré à bord du vaisseau A330-200 F-RAR no 240, le 18/07/2019, au cours du voyage Evreux – La Réunion
Le Protonotaire Général
“Diploma of Line Passage
We, Prothonotary General, having very humbly represented to us that the neophytes Willow and pinguin have duly crossed the limit of our states aboard the airship flying pavillom of the CFA, certify not this, that the aforementioned regenerated in the presence of our court by our Royal baptism, have earned the title of:
Citizens of the Equatorial Districts
solemnly conferred on the A330-200 F-RAR No. 240, on 18/07/2019, during the voyage Evreux – Reunion Island
The General Protonotary”
What is the Equator, do you know it?
Its kind of the middle line of a planet. So, on Earth its in the middle between the North and the South Pole and goes like a belt around the Earth. Its dividing the earth into the Norther Hemisphere (the half of the Earth that is north of the Equator) and the Southern Hemisphere (the half of the Earth that is south of the Equator).
On Earth, the Equator is about 40.075 k (24,901 mi) long, of which 78.8% lies across water and 21.3% over land. Indonesia is the country straddling the greatest length of the equatorial line across both land and sea. (See Wikipedia)